SAN ANTONIO – The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is once again taking a stand and protesting the actions of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.
Members gathered outside Paxton’s San Antonio office on Saturday morning with signs and chants, expressing their discontent.
The organization accused Paxton of oppression, harassment, and intimidation following the recent raids on the homes of several Democrats by his office.
In response, Paxton stated in an Aug. 21 news release, “We are entirely dedicated to safeguarding the security of the ballot box and the integrity of every legal vote.”
LULAC’s protest also encompasses Paxton’s recent lawsuit against Bexar County, where county commissioners voted to collaborate with a company to distribute voter registration forms to residents. Paxton raised concerns that these forms could reach noncitizens or felons ineligible to vote.
“This program is completely unlawful and could potentially result in election fraud,” Paxton stated in a news release on Sept. 4 announcing the lawsuit against Bexar County. “It is a crime to register to vote if you are ineligible.”
San Antonio LULAC executive director Henry Rodriguez expressed pride in the County Commissioners for taking a stance despite the legal action. “They are standing up for what is right,” Rodriguez remarked.
The group has received an influx of inquiries from unregistered voters seeking guidance to update their status. LULAC national organizers are also planning to file a complaint against Paxton with the Department of Justice.
“Our goal is to ensure equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of their political beliefs,” Rodriguez emphasized. “We demand a seat at the table.”
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