Welcome to the bustling city of San Antonio, where even a dollar here and there can add up to nearly $10 million for its coffers! As the city works hard to balance its budget amidst moving and cutting tens of millions of dollars over the next two years, they’ve also got plans to increase fees and costs on various services and events, all in an effort to keep things running smoothly and efficiently.
With $4.5 million going towards the general fund, which covers essential services like police, fire, libraries, and street maintenance, the rest of the revenue will be directed towards specific funds, such as the airport and solid waste management.
Here’s a closer look at how the city plans to raise that much-needed cash, and what it means for you:
- EMS Transport Fee ($2,583,043): The city is proposing an increase in the EMS transport fee to better align with the actual cost of services provided by the San Antonio Fire Department. The fee, currently at $1,000, will gradually increase to $1,500 by FY 2026, helping to cover the $3,700 cost per trip.
- Unpermitted False Alarm Fee ($1,888,375): To handle false alarms more effectively, the city plans to bump up the fee for unregistered alarms from $75-$125 to a flat $250 for all types of alarms.
- Convention Center & Alamodome Parking Fees ($744,839): Parking fees at the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center and Alamodome are set to rise, offering a small contribution to the city’s revenue stream.
From parking fees to trash cart costs, San Antonio residents will see small price adjustments across various services, all aimed at ensuring the city continues to thrive and provide quality services to its citizens. So the next time you attend an event or need to dispose of your trash, remember that you’re helping to support the vibrant city of San Antonio!